About Scott Ward
Since Scott started working as an agent in 2005, he has represented over 390 transactions representing roughly $370 million in sales volume. He has been a top producing agent for over a decade and among the top 1% of agents in the East Bay. In 2018, he was one of the top 10 agents in Berkeley by transactions.
As an agent who has experience managing a wide range of transactions, Scott’s goals are to offer clarity, value and service to his clients. Over time, Scott has assembled a team of high-quality, licensed professionals who demonstrate expertise in their particular skill set. His representation includes single family homes, multi-unit buildings, and condos. He uses his construction experience to add value to his clients in facilitating minor and major renovations prior to going on the market.
The act of buying or selling a property is a collaboration. He believes it’s important for an agent to ask questions, provide options, mine the data and get involved in the “nitty-gritty.” That can entail being well-versed in the constructional components of a home, or in creating an impactful spreadsheet that generates the meaningful and actionable analysis of sales data. He approaches each transaction with an earnest desire to address issues that may arise and offer realistic solutions.
Scott lives in Oakland with his wife and son. He is an avid beekeeper, stellar stroller-pusher and cycling enthusiast.